/ Restaurant Photography


For restaurants, pubs & bars it is incredibly important to capture the real feeling of the place in the photography, not just a document of the food available on the menu. 

Is it bright & airy, it is dark and moody? Is the food fine dining or is it a gluttonous dirty burger that is a treat or a hangover cure. All of the story needs to be told in the pictures you use to promote your menu.

I’ve attached some examples of my work showing how I shoot and to show you the work I could be doing for your business.


One of my favourite clients to work with is Honest Burgers. Not simply because they are lovely guys with good looking food that are easy to work with, but also because it’s darn delicious. I frequented their flagship restaurant in Brixton and enjoyed the triple cooked chips and perfectly medium burgers long before our working relationship began.

I shot Honest’s first press & pr shots when they had only one restaurant. They are now onto 7 with one more opening soon in Liverpool Street & plenty more to come after that. 

I shoot Honest’s monthly special (when it’s a new edition and not a revitalised classic.) Along with their interiors and details of what makes Honest Honest, whether that be their green & white straws, their falcon ware plates or their in house blackboards.

A new client for me The Town Hall Hotel houses two restaurants, The Corner Room & The Typing Room.

I shoot here with relatively low kit making the most of the large windows and incredible soft light. My Camera a laptop and a couple of small reflectors are enough to make an image, especially when the food already looks as good as it does here!

The Corner room has rich wood surfaces and large golden lamps. I’ll find a surface with the least scratches and shoot into the grain, it helps the sense of perspective and draws your eye naturally into the image. 

The Typing room in contrast has beautiful marble surfaces. I add a small vignette and place a small shade to one side of the image so it doesn’t have one bright edge where the sun hits. I’ll also avoid propping too heavily, with restaurants I always think the food should do the talking, not the other way around.

All Star Lanes: Drinking occasionally interrupted by six minutes of exercise and then followed up with food.

An American diner come bowling alley and cocktail bar in 5 UK locations. I shoot their food & drink. Bowling alleys are typically dark and moody places so for this job I brought a full lighting kit. Our was was get the food & drinks looking bright, beautiful and tasty whilst still keeping the ambience and mood of the venue.

Then of course, my assistant and I ate a lot of steak, sandwiches and burgers. It’s a hard life being a food photographer.


A Cheeky Nando’s shoot. The kings of chicken and chips and a monster of a brand.

I take shots for their press & pr content, anything in store, online, social media. It is liked, shared and retweeted more times than I can keep up with and pops up on my timeline regularly reminding me it’s time for lunch.

Along with home economist extraodinaire Nicole Szabason I lit and shot these images and many others in their Park Royal restaurant this year.

Fast food can be a challenge, but we always aspire to make it look good whilst sticking to the brand guidelines. It’s always exactly how it’s served in store with the right portions, just polish. 

If there is anything I can do to help you, your restaurant, business or brand with food and drink photography in London or elsewhere don't hesitate to get in contact with myself or my agent terri@terrimanduca.co.uk.


/ Honest Burgers Christmas


/ Chocolate Photography