/ Imbibe Cocktails At Home

I've been back working with cocktail aficionado Laura Foster with Square Meal. This time around we are looking at the Old Fashioned. It's often seen as a difficult drink to make but is actually really simple and perfect for adding your own twist to. 


If you're a fan of rum, this is a must-try drink. By switching the traditional whisky for rum and the sugar for honey, you have the perfect pairing to enhance the beautiful rich, tropical taste. Pass me another...

1 tsp Honey | 50ml Havana Club 7 Year Old | 1 Dash Angostura Bitters | 1 Dash Orange Bitters | Orange Zest to Garnish

Glass: Rocks Method: Add the honey to the glass with a touch of the rum and mix thoroughly until the honey is dissolved. Add the rest of the rum and the bitters, fill the glass with ice and stir until you're happy with the flavour. Top up with more ice and garnish with orange peel.


This was created by bartender Arthur Zagorski at Cartizze for Glenmorangie Old Fashioned Week. I've skipped the theatrical stage where the whole drink is smoked with sandalwood. It's a delicious sweet, nutty cocktail that's with or instead of dessert.

50ml Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban | 10ml Pedro Ximenez Sherry | 5ml Toasted Almond Syrup | 5 Drops Chocolate Bitters | Marashino Cherry  & Orange Zest to Garnish

Glass: Rocks Method: Fill the glass with ice, measure all the ingredients into the glass and stir until the drink is suitably diluted. Top up with more ice, and garnish with orange zest and a maraschino cherry.


This is the basic format for the recipe although typically you would use Angostura Bitters. I've used peach bitters with the Maker's 46 to bring out the whisky's abundant and heady tropical fruit flavours.

1 Sugar Cube | 3 Dashes Peach Bitters | Splash of Water | 50ml Maker's 46 | Orange Zest to Garnish

Glass: Rocks: Method: Place the sugar cube in the glass, soak it in the bitters and crush. Add the water and swirl the mixture around the bottom of the glass. Fill the glass with ice, add the whisky and stir until the drink reaches your ideal dilution. Top up with fresh ice and garnish with orange peel. 


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