/ Smokestak Courier Magazine

A recent commission for Courier Magazine. The article is all about Street Food growing up and coming indoors. 

"They’re into street food 2.0: the restaurant dream. The rockstars of yesteryear’s food markets – Meat Liquor, Pizza Pilgrims, Bao, Smokestak, Breddos Tacos, Bleecker St – have moved into bricks and mortar, and there are plenty more clamouring to join them.

On the one hand, this has all the signs of a new economy in the making; a slew of businesses serving top-notch, taste-changing food at seriously competitive prices, ready to roll out across London and beyond, and a troupe of investors keen to fund them. But how long can these brands, popular in part for their rough-and-ready personality, survive on the high street? And what state does this exodus leave the markets – and their increasingly corporate operators – in?"

Click HERE to read more, Click on images below to enlarge.


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