/ What Scott Eats

Spiced Cauliflower & Roti.

I’ve recently been asked to shoot work with a softer editorial feel, as opposed to the typically bold graphic shots I have been tasked with in the past. Every photographer has their own way of creating images, their own eye and the way they like to make pictures. Yes you have to fill a brief but ultimately if you have been chosen to do a job then it’s largely because of the body of work you have created already. I’ve been keenly trying to establish my style that fits within the editorial Jamie Oliver, Good Food, Cookbook world as I think there is a place for daylight feeling images but with a cleaner more contrast based edge. So, what better way to show you how you would like to shoot a cook book than to shoot one. This post is the first in a series that will become a proper good old fashioned food blog with recipes I make for myself at lunchtime in the studio or for meals in the evening at home. Things I like to eat, that are simple and with ingredients you can get at your local butcher, grocer, supermarket or miniature corner shop spin off (none of this specialist supermarket, what even is that ingredient nonsense.) They will be meals you can make, that look good and are delicious. 

Below is the first; one of my favourite lunches, I always have spices, lemons and mango chutney in the house. They are standard larder products so a quick shop for cauliflower, coriander and chapattis at the corner shop is rarely a hard task. This also works fantastically well as an accompaniment to a curry particularly if you are entertaining. 

A lot of people I know are put off by the idea of cauliflower but it really is delicious and incredibly versatile when done properly, oh and it’s not bad for you either. Enjoy. 


/ Weight Watchers Gizmos


/ Russell Norman / Baking Bread